Knowledge Base
Open App
KB 102505

A FILTER function is used instead of modifying the filter context

The FILTER function is used instead of modifying the filter context.


The FILTER function can be expensive from a materialization standpoint. When the filter condition only references physical columns of the iterated table, then it is possible to filter the table through the filter context by using KEEPFILTERS.

The pattern FILTER/VALUES over a column to add a filter to the existing filters in a CALCULATE function is less efficient than using KEEPFILTERS over the predicate because the evaluation of the filter is potentially different for every cell in a report. A simple predicate requires a single evaluation of the filter, which is applied without removing the existing filters when it is embedded in KEEPFILTERS to obtain the same semantic, usually resulting in better performance.


Transform FILTER in KEEPFILTERS. Replace FILTER/VALUES with KEEPFILTERS over the predicate to modify the filter context while preserving the same semantics.

Original code

    [Sales Amount],
    FILTER (
        VALUES ( Sales[Order Number] ),
        Sales[Quantity] > 1

Possible optimization

    [Sales Amount],
    KEEPFILTERS ( Sales[Quantity] > 1 )