Knowledge Base
Open App
KB 102203

SWITCH cannot be reduced statically due to missing arg pre-conditions (minority of [Value] args are constants)

The SWITCH function cannot be optimized by applying static branch reduction to the query plan. [Value] pre-conditions are partially met: the minority of the [Value] arguments are constants.


The SWITCH function produces a query plan for all the possible branches unless particular conditions are met. In the optimal conditions, the query plan only generates the query plan for the branches that could be executed. When this is not possible, there could be a formula engine cost to evaluate branches that are never executed for a given query.

Only the minority of the Value arguments of the SWITCH are constants and the Expression argument reads the value of a single physical column. Separating those branches in a dedicated SWITCH can improve the query plan when those cases are selected.

Read more about this optimization:


Move the test with the KPI Metric measure in a separate SWITCH in the Other condition, so the outer SWITCH has only constants in the Value arguments.

Original code

    SELECTEDVALUE ( Metric[Name] ),
    "Revenue", [Sales Amount],
    "Cost", [Total Cost],
    "Margin", [Margin],
    [KpiName 1], [KPI 1 Value],
    [KpiName 2], [KPI 2 Value],
    [KpiName 3], [KPI 3 Value],
    [KpiName 4], [KPI 4 Value],

Possible optimization

    SELECTEDVALUE ( Metric[Name]),
    "Revenue", [Sales Amount],
    "Cost", [Total Cost],
    "Margin", [Margin],
    SWITCH (
        SELECTEDVALUE ( Metric[Name] ),
        [KpiName 1], [KPI 1 Value],
        [KpiName 2], [KPI 2 Value],
        [KpiName 3], [KPI 3 Value],
        [KpiName 4], [KPI 4 Value],