SWITCH cannot be reduced statically
The SWITCH function cannot be optimized by applying static branch reduction to the query plan. All the [Value] pre-conditions are met, but the prerequisites for optimal SWITCH column conditions are not satisfied.
The SWITCH function produces a query plan for all the possible branches unless particular conditions are met. In the optimal conditions, the query plan only generates the query plan for the branches that could be executed. When this is not possible, there could be a formula engine cost to evaluate branches that are never executed for a given query.
Even though all the Value arguments of the SWITCH are constants and the Expression argument reads the value of a single physical column, there is a dependency on another physical column that does not allow the static branch reduction of the query plan to obtain the full optimization.
To optimize the query plan, SWITCH should test the column that is directly filtered. For example, if a visible column is ordered by a hidden column, the SWITCH function should use the visible column and not the hidden column.
Read more about this optimization:
The model has a Metric table with two columns: Metric[Name] is a visible text and Metric[ID] is a hidden column with a number used to sort Metric[Name]. The user applies a filter to Metric[Name] through a slicer. The SWITCH Expression argument should get the value from Metric[Name] instead of Metric[ID] and test it with the corresponding text in the Value argument.
Original code
1, [Sales Amount],
2, [Total Cost],
3, [Margin],
Possible optimization
SELECTEDVALUE ( Metric[Name] ),
"Revenue", [Sales Amount],
"Cost", [Total Cost],
"Margin", [Margin],