KB 101500
Redundant functions HASONEVALUE/SELECTEDVALUE (generic)
The expression involving HASONEVALUE and SELECTEDVALUE functions can be optimized by removing HASONEVALUE.
SELECTEDVALUE returns a non-blank value when there is only one value visible in the referenced column. Embedding SELECTEDVALUE in a condition related to HASONEVALUE can be redundant: removing HASONEVALUE can slightly improve the performance. The code must be refactored so that it returns the same value as the original code, which might be not possible in certain scenarios.
Remove the outer IF function and the HASONEVALUE condition.
Original code
IF (
HASONEVALUE( Customer[Country] ),
IF (
SELECTEDVALUE( Customer[Country] ) = "Canada",
[Sales Amount]
Possible optimization
IF (
SELECTEDVALUE( Customer[Country] ) = "Canada",
[Sales Amount]