KB 100600
Summarize extended columns
Extended columns have been added within SUMMARIZE instead of using ADDCOLUMNS for the aggregations and SUMMARIZE only for the grouping columns.
The SUMMARIZE behavior for aggregations may produce slower performances compared to an equivalent construct where ADDCOLUMNS extends the result of SUMMARIZE by adding the columns with the calculations.
Recommended articles:
Embed SUMMARIZE in an ADDCOLUMNS function moving there the aggregation expressions and the corresponding columns. Add CALCULATE for aggregations to get the equivalent filter context for the argument.
Original code
"Revenues", [Sales Amount],
"Transactions", COUNTROWS ( Sales ),
"Short Country", LEFT ( Customer[Country], 3 )
Possible optimization
ADDCOLUMNS ( SUMMARIZE ( Sales, Customer[Country], 'Product'[Brand] ), "Revenues", [Sales Amount], "Transactions", CALCULATE ( COUNTROWS ( Sales ) ), "Short Country", LEFT ( Customer[Country], 3 ) )