Knowledge Base
Open App
KB 100505

Filtered table as filter argument (multiple columns predicate with OR condition)

A FILTER function filtering entire table using an OR condition on multiple columns is used as a filter argument in functions such as CALCULATE, CALCULATETABLE, etc.


Because the conditions are applied with an || operator, the multiple columns predicate must be kept in a single filter argument, without filtering an entire table.

In order to keep the same semantics as the original filter, apply KEEPFILTERS over the filter argument.

Recommended articles:


Remove the Customer iterator and use KEEPFILTERS around the predicate to maintain the same semantics, so the filter is applied only to the Customer[Country] and Customer[Age] columns instead of filtering the entire Customer table.

Original code

    [Sales Amount],
    FILTER (
        Customer[Country] = "Canada" 
            || Customer[Age] >= 21

Possible optimization

    [Sales Amount],
        Customer[Country] = "Canada" 
            ||  Customer[Age] >= 21 