Duplicated measure
There are multiple references to the same measure executed with an identical filter context.
Two measure references can return different results when executed in different filter contexts, but within the same filter context the result should be the same. However, the formula engine might perform redundant evaluations of the same expressions even though the storage engine usually does not execute duplicated requests.
A possible optimization is to store the result of a measure reference in a variable, and then reference the variable. It is important to assign the variable only when the execution scope guarantees that the variable is used at least once, otherwise the result could be counterproductive and slow down the execution time instead of improving it.
Example 1
Evaluate the measure only once and assign it to a variable. If the measure ExchangeRate does not depend on the rows iterated in Sales, compute the Exchange Rate in a variable before starting the iterator.
Original code
IF ( [Sales Quantity] > 0 && [Sales Amount] > 0, [Sales Quantity] / [Sales Amount] )
Possible optimization
VAR _quantity = [Sales Quantity] VAR _amount = [Sales Amount] RETURN IF ( _quantity > 0 && _amount > 0, _quantity / _amount )
Example 2
Evaluate the measure only once in and assign it to a variable in a proper scope. Sales Quantity is evaluated twice in the FILTER iterator and can be computed only once in a variable defined in the same iterator. Sales Quantity before the iterator is evaluated only once in a different scope and does not require a variable.
Original code
IF ( [Sales Quantity] > 0, COUNTROWS ( FILTER ( Customer, [Sales Quantity] > 0 && [Sales Quantity] <= 5, ) ) )
Possible optimization
IF ( [Sales Quantity] > 0, COUNTROWS ( FILTER ( Customer, VAR _quantity = [Sales Quantity] RETURN _quantity > 0 && _quantity <= 5, ) ) )